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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 11, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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we'll keep you abreast all week long. we have a pretty full week ahead. and evening. >> and i'm so behind on movies. i still haven't seen "flight." i have a healthy fear of flying. >> then you don't need to see that. >> have a great week. thank you. hello, everyone. don lemon. citizens across the nation pause to pay tribute and give heartfelt thanks to our military heroes. at arlington national cemetery president obama laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown. he said the nation is a place that picks up its fallen. >> when we get knocked down, we rise again. when times are tough, we come together. when one of us falters, we lift
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them up. in this country, we take care of our own. especially our veterans who have served us so bravely and sacrificed so selflessly in our name. >> veterans day parades are the traditional way to honor our military. but organizers in new york city promoted the event as a rally for storm victims. coats were collected for those hit hardest. in north carolina thousands turned out for the parade in fayet fayetteville. the theme was a welcome home for all iraq veterans. two deaths in new york have raised the death toll from superstorm sandy to 116. they are standing watch to ward off luters. for the latest on the resignation of david petraeus, members of congress are
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expressing concerns that matters of national security may have been compromised. they question the link that the fbi probed into the fernl affairs, which began with a complaint that his mistress was sending harassing e-mails to someone close to the general. tens of thousands of people in the path of superstorm sandy still have no electricity as we have just reported. they are forced to put on layers of clothes just to battle the cold inside their own homes. but some residents are celebrating their first day with power back for the first time. susan candiotti is in the rockaways right now. are there any signs of improvement out there? >> reporter: there are some signs of improvement out there, but not on the street where i am. you see the apartment buildings behind me? the tallest one, there are 600 families. but in that one highest of the high-rise there is, there's a mother of two who is disabled
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who cannot get out and has not been able to leave her apartment for the last two weeks. again, this is a mother of two children. look. it's easy to see, but look how dark it's going to get when we walk inside the building. bryant pierson is going to give us a tour. let's take a look. >> by contrast, you can see it's bright sunshine outside and i don't know how you can see anything in here. >> we don't. >> i'm holding on to the back of your jacket because i can't see a thing. >> this is how we have to live. >> is this the seventh floor now? >> this is the seventh floor. we're going to talk to a couple people.
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>> has there been any looting? >> that's it right there? >> be careful where you walk. >> they put tags on the door stating that they kaim by to check. >> that was on november 10th. >> yes. >> who is it? >> bryant. >> ivy is it okay for them to interview you? >> nowe're in ivy's apartment. you have two young daughters over here. you guys are ages? >> 5. >> 10. >> it's a little warm in here and here is why. ivy at least has natural gas working so the stove is working
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so she has a pot of water in here to give off steam to at least warm up the room. a lot of places don't even have this much. when was the last time you were able to leave the building? >> about two weeks ago right before the storm. >> the reason you couldn't get out, they turned off the electricity. but why can't you get out? >> i can't get out because i can't go down the stairs. >> you suffered from a stroke. >> what's it like at night? >> nights are scary. my baby sister has to hold a flashlight and it's scary sometimes because i hear noises. it's not like real noises. like the wind. sometimes it scares me. >> what do you think about this? >> i think it's terrible. they should be prepared for that. they should be prepared for stuff like this when a storm hits.
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they should be prepared. >> how are you able to take care of your girls? >> my oldest daughter is helpful. when it's time to go outside, she e goes down. but it's scary for me to send her down too because the staircases are dark. >> so imagine, don, for ivy, her main link to the outside world is her 10-year-old daughter. don? >> susan, you have been doing such great reporting. i must commend you on that. i have to ask a question as well. this building, you showed a number of people in the building. how are they helping not only in this building, but in other buildings around the area? how are they helping out residents? >> reporter: you know, late today and after we visited her a few hours later, we saw the national guard come by. we know the national guard was there yesterday and marked some of the doors with what they needed. they came back today delivering
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a palette of water and meals ready to eat, a box of them, with enough meals for two weeks and they told me they promised they will be back and keep checking on these people. they know how rough it is for them. they have seen human waste inside that building and they agreed the conditions are horrible. we have seen a generator outside the building, but we can't find management to find out why they are not turning it on. >> i know this sounds, you know, like something odd, but during your piece, i heard it was either a smoke alarm that needed a battery change or it was a carbon monoxide detector going off. you should make sure they check that because that can be very dangerous. it's only been two days since david petraeus stepped down as the circumstances surrounding his resignation come pouring in, so do the questions from key lawmakers on capitol
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hill. i'm joined by thooe na jones. there's some pointed criticism being corrected at the fbi right now. >> that's right. this was a big topic of conversation on all the sunday shows here. a lot of forceful talk with members of congress on both sides. let's listen real quick to what new york representative peter king, a republican, had to say on "state of the union" this morning. >> the fbi director have the obligation to tell the president or the national security council at the earliest state. so it's been going on for several months, and now they are saying the fbi didn't realize until election day that general petraeus was involved. it just doesn't add up. >> so peter king, as you heard him say, he has a lot of questions. he wants to know when the investigation began and if they got a court order. a lot of questions from him. we also heard from diane
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feinstein who is the democrat who is the senate intelligence committee share. . she's going to investigate why they weren't notified earlier. they weren't informed until friday. so several days later. so a lot of questions and this is just the beginning really of the questions. >> let's talk about paula broadwell. what do you know about her? how she met general david petraeus? >> she's a mother of two, a married mother of two. she lives in charlotte, north carolina. she met him in 2006 when the general came to the graduate school at harvard to give a speech. so she was a student then. she met him and she started later on doing a dissertation on him. all the research she decided to turn into a book. so she was keeping in touch with him by e-mail. and of course, as you know, she
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spent time with him in afghanistan and went on the long runs we heard her talk about in interviews. so it seems like she's known him for several years. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. here's a question for you. is the republican party in need of a makeover? how do they revamp the party after tuesday's losing election? a restaurant is hard, try running four. fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. anne's tablet called my phone. anne's tablet was chatting with a tablet in sydney... a desktop in zurich... and a telepresence room in brazil. the secure cloud helped us get some numbers
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conversation i look forward to every sunday because it always looks real. one side still celebrating. let's talk politics and look
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ahead to what tuesday's election means. earlier i called you will granderson. i don't know what i was thinking. you guys are morphed into one person. l.z. a writer for espn. let's look at some numbers here. president obama got more than 90% of the black vote. 70% of the asian and latino vote. also got a much smaller 39% of the overall white vote. if democrats can win the white house with less than 40% of the white vote. is the gop going to have to change its message and become more diverse. >> you said change its message. it's definitely going to have to become more diverse. change the message? that depends. if they are asking to change the ideology, no. the way they communicate the ideology, yes. before this election, there was a lot of conservatives saying mitt romney's actually going to win in a landslide. and they got it incredibly
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wrong. how? because the numbers you showed just a moment ago, they assumed the 2008 numbers were a historical collaboration. the first election was infused with such enthusiasm. that's no way that's matched in 2012. it was. how do you change? i don't know the answer to that. you have to admit there's one thing. barack obama is a fe nonal candidate. he's somebody people want to believe in. i don't know a day after a butt whooping is the best day to have a self-evaluation moment. >> okay. all right. go ahead lz. >> you know, i think will talked a lot about what needs to happen. they need to go back and take a look at how we get more diverse. we're so used to checking
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things. it's about diversity of thought. they need to change their message. they need to change the message because it's not how someone looks, it's about how someone thinks. that's why people went to president obama. he's a phenomenal politician, but more importantly he was a pretty good president his first term. especially considering what he had to deal with. and republicans keep getting away from that fact. oh by the way, he actually did some things that a lot of people support and agree with. that's about the diversity of thought and not just about how you look. >> the reason i didn't respond is because i think it's a messaging thing and i'm not sure you need to change your ideology, but messaging has a lot to do it. patri patrick mil sap was newt
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gingrich's chief of staff. i was talking to him about the campaign in 1996. i asked him, i said, why don't we go to the black churches? he said they never vote for us. when he got involved. he said why don't we go after students and young people? he said those people never vote. here they are in 2012 and that's a different story and we need to make the attempt. let's let him say it more plainly. >> i asked why don't we go to black churches, they'll never vote for us. why don't we retreat to students? those people never vote. here we are in 2012, that's a completely different story. >> so that sounds like a messaging issue to me. >> yeah as a demographic issue as well. you pointed out barack obama's share of the white vote. it's been dwindling since some time. in 2008 it was 74%.
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this year was 72%. you have to have some message that brings people of diverse backgrounds and ethnicities into the tents. back to our disagreement. the ideology that i feel like is superior, the one that i want to message out is one that applies to everyone. regardless of age and ethnicity and gender. it applies to everyone. it is ethnic and gender neutral. but how do i communicate that. how do people that think like me communicate that. various groups who have not benefitted under that general application message throughout our history. when i know the history and evidence suggests this is the one best for everybody. we have to come up with the answer to that. we really have to come up with the answer to that. >> you don't know what the answer is? >> yes. i do it every sunday on this show. >> what's the answer? >> part of the answer is having a backbone and having some
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courage. there were many things mitt romney and this campaign could have done to send a different message, but they didn't have the courage to say it. for example, when they had the rnc during the convention and the report went out that the black woman was harassed and had peanuts thrown at her. and i talked about this on this show. if mitt romney said i heard this was going on. we do not accept this in our party. that would have sent a powerful message. >> if you're going to act like this, you can leave this room. >> exactly. and instead of turning a blind eye, the same thing in 2008. >> lz, will you do me a favor? hold that thought. i'm going to keep you on the other side of the break. quickly. we'll continue to talk about this on the other side. i'm going to talk about what hailey barber said. that's back after the break.
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will and lz are back now. you were talking about people who are racist and kicking them out of the convention? >> absolutely. just things in my opinion that
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the campaign could have done to help send a message that we are includive. part of that, if you see racist signs, say this is not going to happen underneath our tent. all the things that are being said about women and rape and abortion, instead of being lukewarm, they should have been aggressive in saying we don't support that. you don't have to say i support marriage equality, but we're going to stop blaming gays for hurricanes. those are the little things the campaign would have done to send a message of includiveness. >> his example of what happened at the convention is a very fair one. at the same time, i don't think we should allow our ideologies to be defined by the dee advances. >> but the reality is sometimes we're judged by the extremes
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whether it's fair or not and that's what's picked up in the media. huge deal. gay people causing hurricanes. huge deal. legitimate rape, huge deal. >> but we have to be responsible in condemning the politicians. so when joe biden saying he wants to put you back in chains, something needs to be said. when we manufacture a war on women, that should be condemned as well. >> that wasn't manufactured. >> these are aply kablty. one side pan dors to groups. i'm saying my side needs to do a better job of explaining. but the other side needs to be honest about not creating false wars as well. >> okay. >> it it wasn't a false war, but i believe democrats have a huge race problem just as republicans do.
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you can't hemorrhage the white vote and get the white house. the democrats have to find a way to get their message across that they say we want diversity, but it also includes hetero sexual white males. we're not excludeing you. e want to include you. the democrats are having a difficult time getting that message across. >> that's going to have to be the end. i could have a whole show with you guys. it's an honest conversation. where is charley? is he back there? >> my son is here with me. >> thanks, guys. see you next week. straight ahead, syrian rebels show signs of uniting after pressure from the u.s. and arab natives. and a house explosion leaves people dead and scatters debris for blocks. >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta. believe it or not, greenhouses and compost bins are beyond
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these. >> i walk around out here. i have anywhere the gardens are. >> i have this duty, this job. it makes it sufferable. >> hardened criminals tending organic gardens, this sunday on "the next list." let's say you want to get ahead in your career. how do you get from here... to here? at university of phoenix we're moving career planning forward so you can start figuring that out sooner. ln fact, by thinking about where want your education to lead, while you're still in school, you might find
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hardest by the devastating storm. good idea. two more deaths raise the death toll to 113. while power has been restored to most areas, protests have erupted on long island. peter king was on "save the union" today. >> they are not doing their job. they are not communicating with the people. i hope they set up a federal infrastructure led by the army corps of engineers which likely would be required to follow the plan. this is a disgrace. we are two weeks into the storm and there's over 100,000 people without power and with no real estimate as to when they are going to get it back. misleading information. >> to indianapolis where some people are beginning to return home after a massive explosion last night tore through a neighborhood. seven others were injured in the
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blast and fire that destroyed several homes. 200 people were evacuated. there's no word on what caused the explosion, which blew out windows for at least two blocks in every direction. people heard the blast three miles away. israel is ready to ramp up reaction to the rocket attacks from gaza. this is video of rockets being launched in gaza. israel's military says rockets struck overnight. benjamin netanyahu blames hamas and says israel is on the verge of escalating their military response. they fired warning shots after a shell hit an israeli military post. it's the first time israel has fired on syria since 1973. syria's rebel groups may be pulling together after pressure from the u.s. and arab nations.
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op ligs leaders met today and agreed to form a new umbrella coalition to transition into a new syrian government. it's considered a big step in the push to oust president bashar al assad. the government is fighting to e destabilize syria. the civil war started 20 months ago. 35,000 lives may have been lost. and we want to warn you. this next report shows graphic and disturbing video ofs atrocities. some viewers may consider it very disturbing. as arwa damon reports, heinous attacks may have become too familiar in syria. >> reporter: this is video from earlier this year. they crawled through holes and find an entire family killed by regime forces they say. a woman's body lies on the floor. in the room next to it bodies
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crowded into the corner. more dead are in the bathroom. a small voice whimpers from another room. a child comes into view crawling over a body. he's the only survivor. the assad regime has always maintained they are targeting terrorists seeking to overthrow the government. but there are a horrifying stream of daily videos, none of which can be independently con firmted by cnn to show atroci atrocities carried out that the the opposition claims show no mercy. not even to those already dead. here wha appeared to be fighters dragging a man's body into a truck. and in this video, corpses are used for target practice.
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images like these in syria. and now a growing number of videos alleging to show similar war crimes carried out by rebel fighters. this video is said to have been shot, one clip is especially disturbing. rebel fighters curse as they fire. the man unarmed is gunned down. in the next clip a detainee is walked past the body. this is said to be from the men on the ground cry out. their pleas met with gunfire. the judge head of the free syrian judicial council blames these actions on the ruthless tactics of the government. these are isolated incidents carried out by individual revolutionaries. the regime tactics are what
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created this radicalism, he tells us from his base in turkey. a person who has had their entire home destroyed has had their entire family killed will naturally become radicalized. while the council has set up makeshift areas, he admits that they can't control or monitor every single person. still, he says, this is not a reflection of the revolution. our revolution is about justice, equality and rule of law. things that are sadly too often among the many casualties of war, especially one as brutal as syrias. arwa damon, cnn, beirut. what?! you've got to be kidding me. [ derek ] i've never seen a road like this. there's jagged rock all the way around. this is really gonna test the ats on all levels. [ derek ] this road is the most uneven surface, and it gets very narrow. magnetic ride control is going to be working hard.
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two women are dead after eating wild mushrooms. four others are in the hospital including the caregiver who picked the mushrooms and tossed them into a soup. local authorities are investigating now. a spokesman says that foul play is not suspected. heart health experts meet ing last week in los angeles came up with several things everyone should know to keep our tickers humming along. the american heart association boiled down the list to top four. multivitamins don't reduce the risk. a lot of people think they do. but experts say they do not. number two, you're never too young for heart disease. people as young as 18 should have their blood pressure checked and get treatment if it isn't normal. number three, four signs of
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ageing can signal an increased risk of heart disease or heart atta attack. a receding hairline, balding at the crown, ear lobe creases and yellow deposits around the eyeli eyelids. if you see any of these, tell your doctor. and number four, if you have a heart attack, health insurance claims, prescription costs and lots of time lost at work can really add up. on the flip side, the expert said prevention can really pay off. straight ahead, an unofficial holiday is boosting the chinese economy thanks to the country's single resident and the internet. but first imagine growing up with scarring so severe that your only wish to be able to walk down the street unnoticed. tonight chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta introduces us to a woman who
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turned a childhood accident into a new career, helping others ease their pain. >> the scars on her face serve as a never-ending reminder of a kitchen fire that she endured. she was 2 years old at the time. she was in the kitchen with her brother who was 6. >> he took a frozen chunk of meat from the fridge and put it into boiling oil so a fire started. he tried to take it to the sink and he tripped on top of meso the oil spilled on 40% of my face. >> thankfully she doesn't remember the accident or the pain. she does remember being rushed to the hospital and the surgeon working tirelessly to open her eye, which was stuck shut from the burning oil. >> all the time growing up, it was really difficult because everybody would stare and especially at school. it was really hard to fit in. >> feeling frustrated after more than 100 procedures, at age 16, she asked her plastic surgeon
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what else could she do? >> he said take your money and go on a vacation. so i was still left with one eyebrow and i was really disappointed at that time. >> disappointed but undeterred. she began to research her options. soon enough she began experimenting with micropigment implantation. it's a fancy term for tattoos. >> i had nothing to lose. that's when i took the tattoo machine and i sat in front of the mirror and started working on my own face for two years. >> she's now made a career of helping others soften their scars. today she's tattooing annette white's birthmark that's largely kept her from venturing outside her home since childhood. >> in kindergarten they tried to erase my face with a pencil with no eraser on it. >> nothing worked until she
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found bossma and this tattooing. it's the last step in learning to love themselves from the inside out. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief.
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it's veterans day in the u.s. remembrance day in europe. but in china, millions of unmarried men and women are celebrating singles day. what is singles day? that's what happened in the break. >> it's this grass roots effort of a holiday more or less.
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it's celebrated in china as a pop culture holiday. but it's for the group of singles to get together and cast away their single status. but why is that important? because in the east there's been this norm towards getting married at a young age and with improving economic conditions, more women are going to work and having kids and getting into the rat race has been put on the back burner. and for generations, as you know, in china there's been preference towards boys. so there's gender imbalance that's been created. just now, they are seeing that. so come the year 2020, there's about 24 million men in china who are going to be looking for wives that don't exist. so what to do, what to do? >> can you imagine? a lot of single men. it sounds like it's a spinoff of valentines day but for the unattached. >> it's like their way of sticking it to the people
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celebrating the romantic holiday. why is it celebrated on november 11th? because 1, 1, 1. everything in china has a symbolic meaning. so that's one of the reasons today is the day. but it's also big business. >> is it like a hallmark holiday? >> it generates a lot of money. and just today alone, online e e-commerce generated $1 billion. that trumped cyber monday. >> what about the impact of the internet in china? they censor the internet. that doesn't have an impact? >> excellent point. just this friday we saw that happen with google. but people find a way around this. these are young people. they are savvy. nearly half of china's
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population they are turning to the internet to get their information. but also do their shopping. so it's going to be the next merging market here. >> singles day. thank you. appreciate it. thank you. tonight a cnn documentary investigation into the case against disgraced cycling legend lance armstrong. we'll preview the documentary and you'll hear more of the evidence against armstrong. imagine this, if you can can. a washington without gridlock. i'm not talking about the nation's capital but a town in virginia hoping the name sick gets its act together. >> just an hour outside of d.c., people in the small town of
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washington, virginia, spent months waiting to see what the election would bring their way. and many like cabinet maker peter cramer say they didn't much care about whether the democrats or republicans would win. just as long as the creeping economy starts racing again. >> i'm saying it's both of those people's faults. let's get some people in washington who want to solve the problem and stop the gridlock. >> next door at the gourmet farmers cafe, susan james spent the run up to the election feeling much the same way. >> the economy has changed the way we have conducted business and it's changed decisions we have made. major decision. >> instead of expanding her family-owned business, she kept a close eye on cost, steered clear of debt and watched the electoral process play out. >> what is it that you most want to see from washington, d.c.? >> leadership and stepping up.
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the game of passing the buck, it sounds like the way my brother and i used to fight when we were 7 people know, we don't want that. >> reporter: it was that way all over town before the election. many, like jewelry maker kaitlyn mullen were unsure of what would happen with taxes, jobs. >> i think a lot of people are just scared to commit a large amount of money to anything whether it be a couple hundred dollars for custom jewelry or a home. a lot of people are nervous. >> reporter: no one expects any quick fix for the economy. >> it's big and it's going to take some time and a lot of work, and it would be nice to get at it. >> reporter: but they are more than ready to start building up again just as soon as the other washington settles down and gets back to work. tom foreman, cnn, washington, virginia.
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[ male announcer ] can a car be built around a state of mind? ♪ announcing the all-new 2013 malibu from chevrolet. ♪ with a remarkable new interior featuring the available chevrolet mylink infotainment system. this is where sophisticated styling begins. and where it ends? that's up to you. it's here -- the greatest malibu ever. ♪
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picture this scenario, it's a middle stages of cyclings greatest race, the tour de
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france, three beds set up in adjoining hotel rooms, three world class cyclists being infused with their own blood including lance armstrong. that revelation from a teammate who says he was there. >> tyler hamilton says after stage 11 of the tour de france, he, lance armstrong and kevin livingston had their blood reinfused. everything was handled by the team's management. >> we were in this small hotel. it was pretty wild. arrived in my room and it was -- the staff had sort of prepared everything, the doctors, and there was a blood bag taped up on the wall hanging from the wall and, you know, a red tube coming down, a tube filled with blood coming down and basically,
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you know, they injected me here. i have pretty small veins, so the one place that always worked was right there, and you can see the scars today. >> tiler hamilton says the three riders lay on beds in adjoining rooms with an open door between them. could you see lance armstrong -- >> yeah, yeah. that question has been asked a lot. yeah, i saw him. i saw his bag of blood and saw it in his arm, yeah. >> reporter: they were taking a huge gamble. >> i'm glad we didn't get caught. i would have been -- we all would have been. serious stuff. and like now looking back, oh, my god, what was i doing? but you're so deep into it, you know. you don't even have time to take a half step back and look at the big picture. >> reporter: in 2005 lance
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armstrong denied under oath ever having received a blood transfusion. >> you've never used your own blood for doping purposes, for example? >> that would be banned. >> okay. >> i'm not trying to agitate you. i'm just trying to make sure your testimony is clear. >> okay. >> all right. >> you can see much more of this in-depth investigation tonight. "the world according to lance armstrong" begins at 8:00 eastern here on cnn. ahead, we remember our veterans. [ woman ] it's 32 minutes to go time,
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and the candidate's speech is in pieces all over the district. the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... i've been a superintendent for 30 some years at many different park service units across the united states. the only time i've ever had a break is when i was on maternity leave. i have retired from doing this one thing that i loved. now, i'm going to be able to have the time to explore something different. it's like another chapter.
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going to end this hour with some sights and sounds from the veterans parade right here in downtown atlanta. nationwide young and old lined the streets of their towns and cities to celebrate freedom and wave their flags in honor of those who have done so much to protect it. let freedom ring, indeed. >> beautiful horses. ♪